Monday, March 3, 2008

"Religion is an attempt to get control over the sensory world, in which we are placed, by means of the wish-world which we have developed inside us as a result of biological and psychological necessities." Sigmund Freud


SteveAlejandro said...

So says the individual who wanted to kill his father and have relations with his mother.... /grin.

If he had a little bit of that "wish-world", he might have been a happier dude.

Hope everything finds you well. Love ya homey!


Greg Rice said...

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact than a drunken man is happier than a sober one."- George Bernard Shaw

SteveAlejandro said...


However, our comments neither prove or disprove Freud's short sighted point.

Freud's comments are based on his limited and cynical experiences in the world. If he didn't see the light, does it mean that the light doesn't exist?

"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence." - Kenneth Kitchen, Egyptologist

Greg Rice said...

by the way you really should read up on your Freud before you comment....

your getting confused...

Introducing the Oedipus complex is not exactly wanting to kill Freud's father and having "relations" with his mother ...
Step 1. knowing what your talking about
Step 2. well lets get step one covered first...

Greg Rice said...

So help me understand...
your saying your comments are not based on your limited and depending on a persons views also cynical experiences?

SteveAlejandro said...

Seriously, with no sarcasm whatsoever, I love you.

Your last comment is exactly my point. Freud's comment and for that matter any of our comments have no validity without proof.

What I have seen and felt is not what Freud had seen and felt. What Freud had seen and felt, I have not experienced. The fundamental difference is that he limited himself by believing and/or convincing himself that there was nothing more than himself.

The promises God has to offer cannot be received by a mind that is not ready. Do you think it is intellectually dishonest not to be ready to explore all avenues of possibility? Generally, only weak-minded, uneducated, or lazy individuals say "believe blindly." To NOT take the faith blindly and study it is what true believers do. Many Christians set out to prove correct what Freud said in the beginning of their faith only to be overwhelmed by the large amount of provable information in the Bible. To be intellectually honest, you have to know the other side as well as your own. This is only conjecture on my part, but I feel if Freud took the time to explore Christianity as fully has he did the Oedipus complex, he may have had a different life.

By the way, don't bother dogging me for my comment about Freud's relations with his mother. It took you two comments to point it out! I read the silly play and studied the mythology in High School like everyone else. I know where it originally came from. However, he IS the one that studied and presented it..Maybe to exorcise some guilt in his own life, eh? Who knows?

SteveAlejandro said...

On a lighter side, I just want to make sure this is happy intellectual discourse and this back & forth is in good spirit?

People like you and me like to argue just for the sake of arguing, but sometimes we get under people's skin.

I love you dearly and just want to make sure that we're on the same page. Look forward to more comments!

Greg Rice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.


